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1. How has your experience of school shaped you as a learner, and as an adult?

2. In what ways do you think your own schooling could have been improved, and what priorities do you think are the most important for schools today?

I think my experience at school came short when it comes to delivering a sense of community and historical awareness. Most of the learning I consider meaningful was incidental. Basically, school unintentionally provided a physical space where I could get together with other people my age and learn by imitation how to perform the social roles expected in the socioeconomic context I was born into.  There was no sense of transcendence whatsoever. In regards to formal academic input per se, I was exposed to what somebody for reasons unknown to me had deemed relevant.  Learning fuelled by curiosity did not find a friendly niche at school.  Education was analogous to complying to a set of rules and repeating information on command.

I feel my schooling could have been more meaningful had it shown me the relevance of being an active member in my community. It should have shown me how align my abilities and interests with a social project. I was never explicitly taught soft skills which I consider to be the foundation of a vibrant and healthy society. Luckily, I joined the boy scouts when I was seven years old. That experience kept me on the right track since the ethos that structures the institution points towards helping children become a positive force in the community they are part of and the world at large.  Even though I am not part of the Boy Scouts anymore, I can safely say that they planted good seeds and helped me become the kind of person I am today.

In regards to formal education, it is my belief that schools should make sure students understand the historical development of humanity and see society as an organism of sorts that can be intentionally improved for the betterment of all. This, I feel, would provide students with agency, sense of belonging, and purpose. Students should comprehend that we have no ultimate answers and that, with the means and scientific understanding we have at hand, we are doing our best to come up with a narrative that helps us navigate space and time as our imagination unfolds.  


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