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Lessons From the Future

In an ideal world, how do you think education should be organised?
What priorities do you think it should reflect? and who should be responsible for ensuring that it is of a good quality?

In an ideal world, all members of any given society should be familiar with the metanarrative(s) that structure their world. We are going through the fourth industrial revolution and the technological force that fuels its unfolding is changing and challenging our ideas of who we are and where we are going. The global village is a reality and we should have the tools to overcome the adolescence of our species.   William Gibson once said, “The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed.” I feel a laudable purpose of education would be to prepare people to be active members of a global community whose main purpose is to improve the well being of all while exploring the ever-expanding universe.  It is very interesting to notice how organizations such as the World Economic Forum call for an emphasis on mostly soft skills as the foundations of our operating system for the 21st Century.  I think they are pointing on the right direction and their suggestions actually goes hand in hand with the Agenda 2030 from the United Nations. Governments should do a better job at informing their societies about the changes we are going through and the necessity to change our myopic views and come to a general agreement about where we want to go and what we have to do to get there.


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